Signs of pneumonia at coronavirus

For almost a year, the world is under the coronavirus pandemic. The first wave has passed, but now many countries are under the threat of a second wave of coronavirus. This forces people to be more careful about their health and take precautions.

Although most people have a mild form, the coronavirus is often accompanied by complications. Pneumonia caused by a coronavirus is a leading one. Treatment against coronavirus infection with this complication is similar to treating common pneumonia.

There are signs of pneumonia at COVID-19 infection.

The main symptoms of coronavirus

Coronavirus can be asymptomatic and may have mild and severe signs. Coronavirus-infected people with mild form have cough and confused breath, sometimes fever and loss of smell or taste.

In a more severe form, the main symptoms are shortness of breath, weakness, fever, severe dry cough, and chest pain.

The most severe form of coronavirus is bilateral pneumonia. If you do not call a doctor in time, then this can lead to a critical condition and even death.

What is coronavirus pneumonia?

Coronavirus causing pneumonia affects both lungs. Pneumonia at coronavirus is progressing at a rapid pace, and many patients get respiratory failure within 24 hours. In this case, immediate respiratory support with mechanical ventilation is required. Prompt treatment can help to alleviate the severity of the disease.

Pneumonia when coronavirus infects a person in the lower parts of the lungs. The duration of treatment is different: approximately 8-10 days in a hospital with ordinary pneumonia or 15 days with coronavirus one.

There are two ways to detect infection: using tests or computed tomography.

Signs of Pneumonia at Coronavirus

In order not to miss the beginning of the disease development, it is worth paying attention to any changes in well-being. Symptoms of pneumonia in coronavirus can be:

  • dry cough;

  • labored breathing;

  • increased fatigue;

  • a feeling of heaviness in the chest;

  • loss sense of smell and taste;

  • pain in the whole body;

  • the pallor of the skin;

  • loss of appetite.

Measures in time will help to avoid the spread of infection to mild and severe complications. This also applies to people who have been exposed to carriers of the virus.

What to do in case of coronavirus if you ill with pneumonia

People with asymptomatic form are advised to drink plenty of water, have a rest, and eat well. It is imperative to ensure the isolation of the patient from other people. Patients with COVID-19 are prescribed antiviral drugs, supportive therapy, antipyretics, and cough medicines.

In critical cases, hospitalization is required.